We are half way through the Month of Healthy Skin segment! I have seen some really good changes in my skin since day one. In my skincare routine I am now using a gentle cleanser first, toner, sunscreen, and a vitamin C antioxidant serum at night. My skin has just about healed itself of the breakouts and now I am seeing less flakiness on my cheeks from being so dry. Progress is always good and encouraging. This week, I am focusing on correcting problems specific to different skin types such dry, oily, and combination skin.
One of the first things I did to correct my misbehaving skin was eliminate products that I thought could be breaking me out. It’s usually something that you recently started using. For me it was a tinted moisturizer. Within a week of not using it, my breakouts subsided. So if you find your skin acting strange, try eliminating the newest product first and see if that helps!