When skin is lacking in moisture it tends to have a dull-looking appearance. Dry skin tends to get worse in the winter, but it can also vary depending on where you live and the climate you are in. Extreme heat in the summer can even cause skin to get tight and dry. Regardless of skin type though, all skin needs to be moisturized. Some, like me, needs a heavier moisturizer while others with more oily skin can get away with a light, water-based moisturizer. It really just depends on your skin type. For dry skin, look for moisturizers with hydrating ingredients that are oil-free to prevent breakouts. Also, look for a cream rather than a lotion. A good way to test is to put some in the palm of your hand and see if it drips or falls off when you hold it upside down. If it does, it’s prob too light for your dry skin.
For more oily or acne-prone skin, look for an oil-free, water-based cream that will hydrate just enough to calm any problem areas of excess oil. For all types of skin be sure to apply your moisturizer right after washing and then applying toner, so that the cream will actually lock in the leftover moisture on your face.