I have been looking forward to Thanksgiving week because I love cooking and baking holiday foods. This year, we have three different Thanksgiving meals to go to (not all in the same day thankfully). It’s awesome because I get to make so many different things to bring. Plus, who wouldn’t want to re-live a Thanksgiving... Continue reading

I don’t know about you but there comes a certain time every day that I just really need a snack. I actually schedule in snacks throughout the day to keep me from overeating at meals. I welcome snacking into my health routine so long as my snacks don’t contain sugar or anything processed. So here... Continue reading

It’s a happy day whenever I make homemade granola. For one, homemade granola is delicious and easy! It’s also great knowing exactly what is and isn’t in your food. Making granola also makes your house smell like grandmas (and who doesn’t love that!). This granola is very versatile and you can pretty much put anything... Continue reading

As the weather gets warmer, I find myself baking less but still wanting dessert just as often. Banana pudding is probably one of my favorite southern, summer desserts… in addition to strawberry shortcake, cream pies….(Wait. Idea: Strawberry shortcake pops?!) Anyway! Sometimes it’s too warm to bake, sometimes I don’t want bready stuff, and sometimes I... Continue reading

Green smoothies are so underrated. You’d think that putting vegetables in a smoothie would not be the most appetizing but it’s actually really tasty. By using fresh spinach or other mild flavored veggies you can easily mask the flavor if you are not a huge vegetable fan. The best vegetables to use in smoothies are... Continue reading

Clouds. Fog. Wind. It’s days like these that really make me love northern California. I know, I know…what? But honestly, it’s when the fog is in and hides the sun rays and the wind kicks up that I can truly appreciate when it’s sunny and warm. After all, a cup of something warm is just... Continue reading